The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will take advantage of this Saturday’s day of reflection to spend the day with the family, while the general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, will go for a run with the candidate in Madrid and the national spokesperson for Ciudadanos, Patricia Guasp, will go shopping at the market. In the case of the chief executive, Pedro Sánchez, and the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, the public agenda of the day before 28M has not been disclosed.

Specifically, sources from ‘Génova’ have reported that Feijóo will use this Saturday for reflection to spend with his family after fifteen days of campaigning in which he has toured the 17 autonomous communities with days in which he has starred in two or three daily acts.

And already on Sunday, May 28, Feijóo will vote at 11:00 a.m. at the Ramiro Maeztu School in Madrid, located on Calle Serrano in the capital.

For their part, from Ferraz they explain that the president of the Government and in turn general secretary of the party, Pedro Sánchez, will spend this day of reflection as another Saturday, since the PSOE wants to give prominence to the different candidates from the twelve communities in liza and local elections, according to socialist sources.

At the moment it has not been revealed where Pedro Sánchez will exercise his vote for these elections, nor the time at which he will go to the polls this 28M.

Nor have Vox revealed anything about the activity of Santiago Abascal this Saturday. The Vox leader has been focused on the electoral campaign for the last two weeks, with one or two daily events in different Spanish provinces to cover his candidates. What the party has advanced is that Abascal will vote on Sunday around 12:00 p.m. at his electoral college in the Hortaleza district of Madrid.

In the case of the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, she will exercise her right to vote by mail, since she will participate on Saturday in the Social Forum of Porto (Portugal), where she will present a ‘non paper’ with her Belgian counterpart focused on issues Europeans.

He also has a meeting scheduled with the Commissioner for Employment and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, and a bilateral meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor of Slovenia, Luka Mesec.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Social Rights and Secretary General of Podemos, Ione Belarra, also opted for the option of voting by mail and on Sunday she will accompany the party’s candidate for Madrid City Council, Roberto Sotomayor, to cast his vote.

In the day of reflection, the leader of Podemos will choose to practice sports and will run with Sotomayor, a former athlete, in the Tierno Galván park, in Madrid.

For her part, the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, will vote in the municipality of Galapagar and will also travel on Sunday to support the candidate of Podemos, IU and Alianza Verde a la Comunidad, Alejandra Jacinto.

In turn, the head of Consumption and federal coordinator of IU, Alberto Garzón, will cast his vote on Sunday in the town of Rivas, whose formation has held the Mayor’s Office for three decades, and will be with the mayoress of the municipality, Aida Castillejo. For the day of reflection he will choose to read and spend the day with his family.

The national spokesperson for Ciudadanos, Patricia Guasp, will spend the day of reflection in Palma, the Balearic Islands, an autonomy in which she is presenting herself as a candidate for the Government and where she is playing to revalidate her seat. At 11:00 a.m. she will go to the Santa Catalina Market and there she will attend the media, taking advantage of her routine family Saturday shopping at the market. Afterward, she plans to spend the rest of the day with her family.

On Sunday, Guasp will exercise his right to vote at the Center d’Adults La Balanguera, in Palma. She will speak to the media at 10:45 a.m., after voting.