The Catalans suspend the Government with an average of 4.1 and the Government with a 3.7

The PSC would be the party with the most votes in Catalonia if regional elections were held now and would obtain between 39 and 45 seats, exceeding the 33 it has in the Parliament, and the independence movement would lose its absolute majority.

ERC would obtain 29-34 seats – now it has 33 – and Junts 19-24 – now 32 -, the CEO’s director, Jordi Muñoz, explained this Friday in a press conference on the third wave of the Opinion Barometer 2023 policy.

The PP would achieve between 12-17 seats – now it has 3 -, the commons between 10 and 14 – now 8 -; Vox between 6-9 –now 10–; the CUP between 4-8 – now 9 -, and Cs would lose its six seats and disappear from the Parliament.

These data, according to Muñoz, show that there is a rebound in voting intentions for the Socialists, that ERC’s results are stabilizing and that Junts would garner less support.

He has also highlighted the “strong increase” of the PP, which would be the main recipient of Cs votes, while a quarter of its support would go to the PSC.

Beyond the transfer of votes, Muñoz has indicated that the behavior of abstainers is what determines the main changes they observe in this barometer compared to the previous 2021 elections.

In the general elections, the CEO’s survey also gives a “clear” victory to the PSC, with between 16 and 18 seats, followed strongly by the PP (9-11), ERC (7-10), Junts (5-8) , common (3-6), Vox (1-2) and CUP (1).

The former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont and the leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, are the most popular leaders with 98% and 95%, followed by the president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, with 85%; the first secretary of the PSC, Salvador Illa, with 81%, and the minister Miquel Iceta with 80%.

Below, is the leader of Cs in Catalonia, Carlos Carrizosa (48%); the leader of the commons in Parliament, Jéssica Albiach (42%); the spokesperson for Together in Congress, Míriam Nogueras (40%); the leader of Vox in Catalonia, Ignacio Garriga (36%) and the deputy of the CUP Carles Riera (36%).

The next would be the leader of Cs Jordi Cañas (34%); the leader of the Catalan PP, Alejandro Fernández (33%), the PP deputy Lorena Roldán (32%); the leader of Sumar, Ernest Urtasun (26%) and the CUP deputy Laia Estrada (21%).

Despite everything, no political leader scores above five when respondents are asked how they rate them, with Junqueras and Urtasun being the ones who achieve the highest score with 4.9, followed by Nogueras with 4.8; Aragonès e Albiach with a 4.6; Illa with a 4.5; Riera with a 4.3; Iceta and Estrada with a 4.2; Puigdemont with a 4; and Roldán, Cañas, Fernández, Garriga and Carrizosa with grades between 2.3 and 1.7.


The relations between Catalonia and the rest of Spain, with 13%, is the main problem that Catalans indicate currently exists, as well as the functioning of the economy (12%) and dissatisfaction with politics (11%), while Immigration, education, tax pressure, incivility and lack of infrastructure are at the bottom.

The CEO’s director has also pointed out that, when answering this question, issues related to the environment and drought begin to appear.


Catalans rate the Government’s management in the last year with an average of 4.1, although 5 or more is the grade that is repeated in the evaluations of those surveyed.

Only ERC and Cs voters approve of the Government – with an average of 5.3 and 5.1 – and those of Comuns suspend it with 4.9, the PSC with two tenths less, those of Junts with a 4.4 and the CUP with a 4.

As for the Government, those surveyed rated its management in the last year with an average of 3.7, with PSC and Comuns supporters giving the best ratings with 5.4 and 5.2% respectively, while from Junts, ERC, CUP, PP and Vox give it scores below 4.

54% of those surveyed also show little satisfaction with the functioning of Spanish democracy compared to 25% who declare that they feel very or quite satisfied.