Yolanda Díaz affirmed that the cost of dismissal in Spain is cheap and Unidas Podemos distanced itself from the PSOE by supporting a motion along those lines


Esquerra Republicana (ERC), EH Bildu and the BNG will take to the Plenary Session of Congress next Tuesday a bill to comprehensively reform the Workers’ Statute and recover the 45 days of compensation for unfair dismissal.

This is the second time in just two weeks that the government’s partners have brought a similar proposal on this matter to Congress, but this time it is an articulated law and not a mere recommendation to the Executive.

Last February ERC defended a motion to urge the Government to recover the 45 days for dismissal, taking advantage of the fact that Vice President Yolanda Díaz had said that the cost of dismissal in Spain is cheap, and obtained the support of United We Can but the text ended up being rejected with the votes of PSOE, PP, Ciudadanos and PDeCAT.

In this context, Bildu and ERC, who voted against the labor reform promoted by Yolanda Díaz, are taking up the initiative and now presenting a reform of the Workers’ Statute “with a vision of the future that recovers rights” for workers.

Basically, the initiative would mean the repeal of the 2012 labor reform undertaken by the Government of Mariano Rajoy, as well as other points included in the decree on the same area carried out by the Executive of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero in 2010. Points that the last labor reform agreed upon by the social agents had been left out.

In this proposal, the pro-independence groups want to modify the economic causes for which a company can justify a collective dismissal. Thus, they want this dismissal to be justified only when the company has a “continuing” negative economic situation, which is when it maintains “current losses” and “not merely estimated”.

There would also be the possibility here of taking advantage of a collective dismissal if a “serious and persistent” decrease in their level of ordinary income is verified “in a reliable way” that may affect their viability. On the other hand, ERC and Bildu propose that a dismissal can also be declared void in the case of a temporary contract.