A new demonstration on Ferraz Street, specifically the thirteenth, brought together hundreds of people this Wednesday afternoon against the amnesty and the pacts of the PSOE with the Catalan independentists on a day precisely framed in the investiture debate of the socialist candidate , Pedro Sánchez.

Under a strong police force, like the one usually available in these concentrations, the protesters have been arriving since 7:00 p.m. at the corner of Ferraz and Marqués de Urquijo streets, carrying flags of Spain and chanting against the former Catalan president. , Carles Puigdemont.

Like the previous days, the most heard songs continue to be ‘Pedro Sánchez son of a bitch’; ‘Spain does not sell itself, Spain defends itself’; ‘Sánchez traitor’ or ‘It’s not a headquarters, it’s a brothel’

A group of members of the Vox youth movement, Revuelta, also arrived in Ferraz around 8:00 p.m., who decided to first go through Génova Street, where the PP headquarters is located, to the chant of ‘PSOE, PP, the same shit is’, before joining the participants gathered at the Ferraz.

‘Puigdemont to prison’ or ‘Spain is one and not fifty-one’ have resounded again at this point as have loud whistles with pots and pans at the acting president.