Sustainable sneakers and pens, carbon footprint calculator, streetlights that reduce light pollution, artificial trees that recycle water, sustainable parks that generate electricity from the energy transmitted by children in children’s areas, as well as machines that collect CO2 and transforms it into O2, are some of the proposals that stand out among the ideas presented to the IV edition of Up! Steam to advance in the ecological transition in which the cities are.

This is the contest led by the Social Council of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), in which more than 3,000 young people from the Valencian Community, between the ages of 10 and 16, have participated. It is summarized in a battery of disruptive initiatives that can implement companies and administrations to achieve a smoke-free, noise-free, digital and sustainable city, from the perspective of the STEAM disciplines.

The contest presents two important novelties: on the one hand, the boys and girls will be able to exhibit and defend their projects in a Fair coinciding with the celebration of the final and, on the other hand, there is the participation of 201 volunteer ambassadors and leaders in the STEAM field, which will be in charge of analyzing and evaluating the different projects, stand out from the Social Council.

Up! Steam4 contemplates three categories divided by age and type of project. The Dreamers category, where the teams have carried out an ideation project, without physically executing it; the Makers category, in which the teams develop a project in the form of a prototype, model, product or machine; and, finally, the Coders category, where the participants carry out a programming project.

For the president of the Social Council of the UPV, Mónica Bragado, Up! Steam4 represents a huge opportunity to foster and detect the talent of the youngest, who are exploring new ways of doing things.

“We are very satisfied with the results obtained, since in each edition the number of participating students and schools is exceeded. For this reason, we are going to continue working to awaken scientific and technological vocations among the youngest and we hope that the boys and girls who have presented their proposals, in the near future, study at our university,” he said in a statement.

In Bragado’s opinion, “STEAM profiles are the most in demand and young people should bet on these disciplines if they want to successfully face the new challenges of society.”

And he adds: “Studying STEAM careers is essential to prepare young people for the future, as well as to promote the economic and social development of the country. STEAM careers provide valuable skills and enormous opportunities in constantly evolving fields and are in high demand in the labor market”.

The list of finalist schools is as follows: Paidos, CEIP Alejandro Soler, Guadalaviar, Centro María Auxiliadora, Colegio Abecé, Los Olivos, IES Cox, IES La Senia, IES Districte Maritim, La Salle, IES Xixona, La Purisima, CEIP Francisco Grangel, IES Antonio LLidó, Maristas Alicante, Virgen del Rosario, IES Pla de Nadal, Colegio Vilavella and Colegio Claret Fonsanta.

The IES Rascanya Antonio Cañuelo, CEU San Pablo, CEIP Joaquín María López, CEIP Luis Vives, Professional Schools Luis Vives, CEIP Mediterráneo, Aitozano, CEIP Federico García Lorca, San José de Calasanz, Jesús-Maria, Asunción de Nuestra Señora complete the list. , CEIP Cervantes, Martí Sorolla, Mas Camarena, IES Pare Arques Benilloba, CEIP Sanchis Guarner, Rivas Luna, Molí del Sol and IES Joan Fuster-Bellreguard.

The final of the contest will be held on Tuesday, May 23 in the Nexus building of the UPV.