The defense of the president of Peru Pedro Castillo has presented this Monday an appeal that seeks to annul the constitutional complaint filed against him by the Peruvian attorney general in which he accuses the president of corruption.

Pedro Castillo’s lawyer, Benji Espinoza, has sent a letter to the Supreme Court of Justice in which he has asked that a protection of rights be accepted for the Peruvian president, alleging that the head of the Peruvian Prosecutor’s Office, Patricia Benavides, would have acted in against the Constitution by accusing the head of state of the Republic of Peru, qualified according to the Magna Carta, RPP has reported.

“Benji Gregory Espinoza Ramos, defense attorney for President José Pedro Castillo Terrones, in the unconstitutional investigation that follows him (…) we present ourselves and say: legal protection, specific claim, admissibility and origin of the protection of rights in the face of the affectation of the rights of my sponsor”, reads the letter collected by the aforementioned station.

In this way, Castillo’s legal team seeks to ratify the situation of the president and his status as president of Peru in response to requests to set aside article 117 of the Constitution, which ensures the inviolability of the head of state except in few exceptions, such as preventing the holding of presidential elections.

This resource takes place almost a week after the Peruvian attorney general presented before Congress a constitutional accusation against Castillo accusing him of corruption.

According to the Prosecutor’s Office, Castillo would be the head of a criminal organization active in the Ministry of Transport and Communications in complicity with Silva, as well as with officials from Provías Nacional and Provías Descentralizado, the Presidential Office and businessmen and third parties, to favor the consortium. Puente Tarata III and other companies in public bidding processes.

The document also accuses former ministers Juan Silva (Transport and Communications), currently a fugitive, of the same crimes; and Geiner Alvarado (Housing, Construction and Sanitation), according to ‘Diario Correo’.

After this accusation, Castillo affirmed that he is suffering political persecution, while denouncing a “new type of coup.”

“Today we have a political prosecutor’s office in Peru, which far from judging the real criminals, today is doing it with the government that has been legitimately elected by the people to lead the destinies of the country,” the president said at a press conference. , adding that “a new type of coup has begun in the country.”