We didn’t warn.Surprise, surprise, ads for last night’s Super Bowl broadcast featured the usual stuff: beer, cars and snacks, betting on sports, but also crypto.

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Coinbase, FTX and Crypto.com all presented crypto-related sales pitches at the big game. TurboTax also brought a humorous ad that referred to the horrors of tax season when digital assets are being handled. Meta also had a commercial, though it was somewhat sad.

The “Crypto Bowl” is a glut of fintech advertising. Lebron James and Larry David were there. Matt Damon wasn’t there, despite his appearances in crypto commercials.

The crypto community rejoiced and predicted widespread adoption. Everyone else was shocked (including those who were old enough to recall the 2005 Super Bowl) when the winner of the ad contest was a boiler room subprime lender. This closed two year later, as the housing bubble burst.

Here is my short (subjective ranking) of the crypto-and fintech-adjacent ads in this year’s Super Bowl broadcast. It goes from worst to greatest.