Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky stressed this Friday that “there is no doubt that Ukraine’s formula” to achieve peace “will prevail” above all despite the fact that the Russian invasion of the territory continues.

“I have no doubt that we will finally introduce the Ukrainian peace formula and stop Russia’s aggression, that we will dismantle the threats it has brought to Ukraine, Europe and the whole world,” he said.

Thus, he has expressed that Ukrainians must be “ready to show their vitality and energetic nature to Europe”, according to the Ukrinform news agency.

In this sense, he pointed out that the line of combat in Ukraine “has become the very line of combat in Europe” and has affirmed that the reconstruction of the country “must be approached as the reconstruction of Europe itself”.

“This is the greatest economic and humanitarian project of our generation. The greatest opportunities for economic growth for European countries and European companies. It is the greatest potential for our social development,” he said.

In addition, he stressed that “when the fate of Ukraine is determined, the fate of all of Central and Eastern Europe will be determined.” “Ukraine is and will be free. Ukraine is and will be democratic, it is and will be strong,” she continued.

“Ukraine exists and will exist. So when we guarantee long-term security for Ukraine, we guarantee security for the entire continent,” Zelensky asserted.