The second vice president, Minister of Labor and Social Economy and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, described this Monday as a “serious mistake” that Spanish businessmen met this weekend in Madrid with the Argentine president, Javier Milei, “knowingly that it is not the first time” that he insults the Spanish Government.

“I am very sorry that the Spanish business community has accompanied Mr. Milei this weekend, knowing that it is not the first time that he has insulted the Spanish Government and probably knowing what the Argentine president was going to say. I think it has been a serious mistake,” said Díaz.

“You have heard me speak many times about economic democracy and I believe that precisely what we have witnessed this weekend, with the insults to the Government of Spain by Mr. Milei and the Spanish business community, with the head of the employers’ association at the head, well indicates a little about what we are talking about. The answer I have to give you is that, more than ever, we must advance social justice and, above all, more than ever, we must work to expand democracy in Spain. “Díaz stressed.

In his opinion, “it is no coincidence” that Milei “and the forces that accompany him” met this weekend in Madrid. “More social justice, more rights for workers and also more economic democracy,” said Díaz.

The second vice president of the Government and leader of Sumar made these statements upon her arrival at an informative breakfast organized by Nueva Economía Forum, where she presented the head of Sumar’s list for the European elections, Estrella Galán.