The PSC has won a resounding victory in the Catalan elections this Sunday in which it is the first force, although on the map by electoral tables the color of Junts dominates, which has been the first force in some 730 municipalities compared to 169 for the PSC , winner in Barcelona and its metropolitan area. Meanwhile, ERC wins in 43 locations and Aliança Catalana wins in three.

The PSC has revalidated in the city of Barcelona the victory it obtained in the 2021 elections, being the leading force in districts such as Sans Montjüic, Sant Martí or Nou Barris. Junts, for its part, has remained in Eixample, Gràcia, and Les Corts, while the PP has taken Sarrià Sant Gervasi from it.

The result by polling stations also shows how ERC has maintained itself in part of the municipalities of Tarragona where it won in 2021, especially in Tierras del Ebro, although the PSC has prevailed in the Tarragona area.

In Lleida the vote for Junts has predominated, except in the capital (more divided with the PSC) and the Aran valley, where the socialists have prevailed, with the PP also being the second force in part of its municipalities. In Girona, for its part, Aliança Catalana has been the leading force in its place of origin, Ripoll, and in other neighboring areas such as Gombrèn or Campdevànol. In other nearby ones such as Olot, it has come in second position after Junts. The surroundings of Alto Ampurdán (Figueres, Roses, Castelló d’Empúries) have reflected a greater struggle between Junts and the PSC.

In the following map you can see the results, street by street.

Check here the winner in each municipality as well as the historical comparison