The PSC has won a resounding victory in the Catalan elections this Sunday in which it is the leading force and has increased nine seats compared to the 2021 elections, while the pro-independence forces fall and are far from gaining a majority.

The PP was the party that grew the most in votes after this Sunday’s elections, after obtaining 232,300 more than in the 2021 elections. The PSC, for its part, was the second that increased the most (215,500 more). On the other hand, ERC experienced the biggest drop with 179,500 fewer votes, followed by Ciudadanos, which went from obtaining 158,600 in the previous ones to just 22,400 last night, which represented a drop of 136,100 supports.

This result meant the greatest weight of the constitutionalist parties in the Catalan parliament. The PSC, with 42 seats, equaled the results of Maragall in 2003 and Obiols in 1988, while the PP gave the ‘sorpasso’ to Vox and jumped to fifteen seats, achieving its highest result since 2012. Ciudadanos completed its disappearance in Spain being left out of the Parliament of Catalonia, the autonomous community where he was born.

The nationalist parties did not reach an absolute majority in Catalonia for the first time in forty years.

Sumar obtained all its seats in Barcelona, ​​while Aliança Catalana entered through Girona (province where it emerged in Ripoll) and Lleida. PSC has been the leading force in Barcelona and Tarragona, while Junts has been the leading force in Lleida and Girona.

At the municipal level, PSC was the leading force in the Arán Valley and expanded throughout the province of Barcelona. ERC retained some municipalities where it was the leading force in Tarragona in the previous elections. Aliança Catalana won in the area of ​​Ripoll. Here you can check the results by municipality in detail:

Aliança Catalana was the second force in other municipalities in the interior of Girona such as Olot, where it came in second position after Junts, while the PSC obtained this position in much of the coast of the province. ERC managed to maintain second or third place in the majority of Catalan municipalities. The PP came in third position in Barcelona.

This map shows the historical evolution of the first force by municipalities in the Catalan elections:

The PSC has revalidated in the city of Barcelona the victory it obtained in the 2021 elections, being the leading force in neighborhoods such as Sans Montjüic, Sant Martí or Nou Barris. Junts, for its part, has remained in the districts of Eixample, Gràcia, and Les Corts, while the PP has taken Sarrià Sant Gervasi from it.

The result by polling stations also shows how ERC has maintained its hold in part of the municipalities of Tarragona where it won in 2021, especially in Tierras del Ebro, although the PSC has prevailed in the area around the provincial capital. On this map you can see the results street by street: