He insists from Madrid on his plan to close the Central Bank of Argentina


The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, has praised the figure of the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, whom he has classified not only as “a friend”, but also as “a great human being” because when his figure was questioned internationally , “was the only one” who showed his support.

“One has to be a grateful person. When no one loved me, the only one who hugged me was Santiago Abascal. Therefore, it was a moral imperative to participate in the event, since he is also a great friend, a great human being,” said Milei. during the presentation of his book ‘El Camino del Libertario’, at the headquarters of ‘La Razón’.

Milei is visiting Spain and no meeting with Spanish leaders is scheduled on his agenda, although he will attend a Vox event on Sunday and will also hold meetings with directors of several Spanish companies.

On the other hand, Milei has insisted on his commitment to closing the Central Bank of Argentina, a measure that he already promised during the electoral campaign prior to the elections that in the fall of last year elevated him to the Head of State of the South American country.

“It is going to be eliminated,” said the Argentine president, thus insisting on the idea that he has been defending for months that the closure of the central bank “is not a negotiable issue.” This was one of the main measures proposed by the president to address the crisis that Argentina is going through, although for the moment he has not been able to implement it.

During his speech, the Argentine president took the opportunity to defend his economic positions as the solution to the devastating financial situation in Argentina, where year-on-year inflation is above 280 percent.

“When we arrived, inflation was going at a rate of one percent daily, and today there is a phenomenal collapse in inflation. It shows the enormous task we are doing,” said the Argentine leader, who has defended that the appropriate way to recovering the economy “is the path of libertarianism.”

Likewise, Milei recalled that the largest battery of reforms in the country was promoted by President Carlos Menem (1989-1999), and has taken advantage of the moment to emphasize that his Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) includes “five times more” of laws. Although the DNU has encountered obstacles to being approved in Parliament, Milei has assured that “it will go ahead, and more” reforms are coming.

“All these reforms aim for Argentina to end up being the country with the greatest economic freedom in the world and in about 35 or 40 years it will be one of the leading powers in the world,” predicted the Argentine president, who acknowledges paying attention to the economic policies of countries like Switzerland or Ireland.

Among the solutions to the situation in Argentina, Milei has highlighted above others that of eliminating capital control so that citizens can freely choose which currency to buy. “It was savagery, and it is recklessly moral. It is an aberration,” she said.

In addition to defending his economic ideology, the Argentine president has also taken the opportunity to attack socialist ideology, which he has classified as “a cancer” and has asserted that “the ‘progressives’ are a machine for making poor people.”