The Government puts at 400 injured policemen throughout the country


The French authorities have reported this Tuesday that at least 540 people have been arrested in the framework of the protests registered during the last day in the main cities of the country and have placed more than 400 injured policemen and gendarmes.

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, has indicated that there have been points of violence on the occasion of the demonstrations against the pension reform of the president, Emmanuel Macron, called for International Workers’ Day.

“We must punish those who attack the Police in the most forceful way,” said Darmanin, who has urged the approval of an “anti-thug law.” Thus, he explained that among the injured there are “some whose situation is extremely delicate, even though their lives are out of danger.”

The authorities have indicated that 259 people have been injured in Paris alone, while 61 protesters are already injured, 31 of them in the capital, according to information from the BFMTV television network.

“Where is the condemnation of Jean Luc Mélenchon against the attacks against police officers?” The minister pointed out, in a renewed attack on the leader of France Insoumise, whom he has accused of remaining equidistant and not condemning the violence, according to information from the newspaper ‘Le Figaro’. “His silence from him makes him an accomplice,” he said.