He suggests decentralizing some powers of the CGPJ, regulating the use of personal cameras by police officers and wants bulls not to be cultural heritage


Among his first ideas, Sumar advocates for the process of forming his country project to repeal the reviewable permanent prison, reform the regulations for the granting of pardons, suppress the consideration of bullfighting as cultural heritage and deploy citizen assemblies, chosen by lot, to propose reforms in central issues of the country.

Along with this, it proposes undertaking periodic regularizations of migrants in an irregular situation until a new Immigration Law is available, establishing controls in the face of the phenomenon of “revolving doors” in the political class and evaluating the possibility of decentralizing certain powers of the General Council of Power Judiciary (CGPJ).

This is how the platform collects it in its documents of the sectoral working groups, which is the first framework of its programmatic proposal for the next decade, which is now open to the participation and deliberation of the citizens who are encouraged to make their proposals.

In terms of energy, there is an impact on measures that prevent an oligopolistic market, promote renewable energies and specifically refer to establishing controls and limiting the phenomenon of ‘revolving doors’, that is, when a political position is signed by the boards of directors of large companies when he leaves the administration.

Within the Justice section, Sumar addresses in his first theses the current situation of blockade in the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary and guidelines for the automatic dismissal of members shortly after their mandate expires, in order to force the Cortes Generales to initiate the relief processes, leaving only the permanent commission to manage ordinary and urgent matters.

In addition, it proposes the decentralization of powers of the governing body of judges to other government salars or the creation of a kind of territorial councils, in order to limit the CGPJ to the functions established by the Constitution, such as, for example, appointments, inspection and the disciplinary regime. And it slips the need to rethink the body’s quotas, especially in relation to the Supreme Court, which has a quarter of the members when it only represents 2% of the judiciary.

On the other hand, it proposes that the Fiscal Council be elected with a procedure similar to that of the CGPJ, with the help of Parliament, and acknowledges that the change in the election system for the State Attorney General is complicated by requiring a modification of the Constitution.

In turn, it undertakes to reform the Pardon Law to reinforce the requirement of public interest for its granting, together with also reformulating the Official Secrets Law.

In terms of security, Sumar affirms that a new regulation is needed with a critical look at the use of ‘taser’ pistols and to regulate the use of personal cameras carried by agents to reinforce the “reliable” record of police interactions with citizens.

In addition, he understands that the current infraction of disrespect for authority should disappear, a figure for example that does not exist in Western countries like the United States. Meanwhile, he slips that the debate on “the decriminalization of certain drugs” has to be reopened, in order to thus “reinvest resources” in other areas of the police force.

On the other hand, the first synthesis of the ideas collected by the platform reflects his opinion against attributing to prison officials the character of agents of authority.

It is in favor of “extinguishing” police identification stops under the application of the Immigration Law, which should occur exceptionally in very justified cases, considering that “disproportionate” use of this practice is made, has discriminatory effects and its impact on crime is “questionable”.

On penitentiary matters, the compendium of measures collected by the working groups suggests reformulating the current women’s prison system to favor concessions in “open environment” through a network of multifunctional centers.

“Although it is necessary to bet in general for the open environment, the deficiencies of the current model for women make it especially necessary to prioritize solutions for them”, the document delves into, which outlines this trend at a general level for medium and low severity crimes, ” rationalizing” the use of prisons as a “last resort”, especially for the most harmful crimes against society.

Regarding immigration, the platform demands to encourage embassies and consulates when processing asylum applications, close foreign detention centers, establish “normalized” access points in Ceuta and Melilla and update the rules and regulations of foreigner. Until said regulation was created, the criterion of the first programmatic document is to establish periodic regularizations of irregular migrants.

Apart from taking a critical look at the EU policy on border matters, he proposes that a temporary agricultural work agreement be negotiated that links companies with the provision of housing alternatives to their foreign staff.

Another of the sections revolves around measures to encourage citizen participation in politics with a specific organic law, which is committed to promoting non-binding consultations, which can be convened at the initiative of society itself.

Sumar is also in favor of lowering the threshold of signatures to register popular legislative initiatives in Congress (500,000 signatures are now required) and giving promoters some control over their proposal when it reaches the chamber, giving them, for example, the option of withdraw them if they think that your project is distorted during the processing.

And one of the outstanding aspects in this field is the promotion of citizen assemblies, chosen by lottery, that reflect on constitutional reforms, climate change and fiscal issues, among other matters, whose conclusions could be taken to a referendum if deemed appropriate. It also intends to change the model of debates between candidates to give input to questions formulated by citizens.

For appointments to certain public bodies, he suggests creating expert commissions that have broad parliamentary support, and an independent observatory to examine compliance with electoral programs.

On the other hand, it calls for repealing the status of bullfighting as cultural heritage and putting an end at the national level to the entry of minors into bullrings, as well as the issuance of bullfights during children’s hours.

It also advocates giving a role to the autonomies in the process of elections of institutions such as the CGPJ or the Court of Accounts, as well as promoting the effective use of the co-official languages ??in the administration of the State.