The purple ones transfer this option to unlock one of the points that the negotiations run aground and say that they still have no answer


Podemos has raised at the negotiating table for the coalition with Sumar the possibility of going separately in the Valencian Community, given the difficulties according to Compromís, and forming part of the broad left-wing front in the rest of the country.

As sources from the purple formation have explained, this option has been considered since Compromís had so far “vetoed” its presence on the Valencian lists and, as a solution, the option of competing alone only in that territory to unlock the conversations. In this regard, they emphasize that they have not received a response to this possibility.

Sources from the regional leadership have shown their hope that the agreement to compete with Sumar will be a matter of hours and have refused to take a position on the “vetoes” of Compromís. They have insisted, however, that the negotiations continue and that the Valencian Community is one of the territories that is delaying the agreement.

From the Valencian formation, which tomorrow meets its highest executive body to endorse in case of agreement with Díaz’s project, it has insistently denied that there were vetoes and exclusions to anyone on its part, as recently stressed by its candidate for 28M Joan Baldoví.

As other forces such as Chunta or Más Madrid also transfer, from Compromís they claim the leadership of the lists in the Valencian Community, based on the electoral result of 28M where Unidas Podemos remained as an extra-parliamentary force, and that their name appears on the ballot.

It recently emerged that Podemos aspires for his state co-spokesperson María Teresa Pérez to be his reference in the Valencian Community on the 23J electoral lists, within the framework of negotiations with Sumar to create a broad confluence of leftists.

According to party sources, Podemos considers that the also director of the Youth Institute (Injuve) is an ideal profile as she “represents a new generation” of young leaders – she will turn 30 next month – and has “parliamentary experience “, given that she was already a national deputy for Alicante in the XIII legislature of May 2019 until the electoral repetition of 10N of that year.

They also extol from the purple party her management experience as director of Injuve, a body dependent on the Ministry of Social Rights led by the leader of Podemos, Ione Belarra.

On the other hand, candidates and militants of Podemos in the Valencian Community are promoting a manifesto in which they consider that the people who have managed the municipal agreements and the campaign for the regional elections “cannot be in charge of this new appointment with the polls , neither in the planning nor in the lists”.

They implicitly referred to Pérez, whom they accused of “jumping off the regional list using data that the rest of the organization could intuit but did not have.”