Madrid, September 18

The popular online marketing tool now offers synergy between email marketing and SMS campaigns, to save customers time. Under the premise, simpler is more effective, its management panel is positioned as the most convenient SMS campaign panel on the market. adds, to its wide range of premium features, the possibility of creating and sending SMS campaigns easily and in just a few seconds. The incorporation of SMS campaigns allows, without the slightest effort, Mailrelay users to manage the sending SMS messages: both to lists of contacts that already have a telephone number assigned to them and to lists created solely for SMS campaigns. Thanks to unified SMS management, clients obtain multiple benefits, including:•  Management of SMS campaigns and mailing from the same panel•  They promote the opening of mailing campaigns through their coordinated use with SMS campaigns•  Acquisition of subscribers via SMS to direct them to a landing•  Reactivation campaigns for contacts who do not open the emails through an SMS• Coordinated multi-screen campaignsThe incorporation of SMS campaigns is accompanied by a very attractive price promotion, which starts at 15 euros for sending 350 massive SMS messages. And it promises to be an element of great added value for clients who already use the service for their email campaigns. Mailrelay, in its eagerness to respond to the demands of its users, constantly adds to its popular online marketing tool the necessary options for users to achieve their objectives.About Mailrelay Company specialized in email marketing with more than 15 years of presence in the email communications market. It is a company with 100% Spanish capital, headquarters in Spain and branches in the United States and Brazil. Mailrelay has more than 500,000 users who manage their email marketing campaigns successfully and, at the same time, offers the largest free account on the market. with free support (up to 80,000 shipments per month for up to 20,000 subscribers that can be created from

Contact Contact name: José Carlos Daganzo Contact description: Media relations and quality Contact telephone: 34 91 123 76 45