If their demands are not met, they will extend the mobilizations and do not rule out a strike in the middle of the Income campaign.


The Independent Trade Union and Civil Servants Central (CSIF), SIAT, UGT, CCOO and CIG have called the staff of the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT) to a rally this Wednesday in Madrid in front of the General Directorate of the organization.

The rally, which will take place in the middle of the Income campaign, has been called at 12:00 p.m., to call on the organization to negotiate labor and salary improvements, as reported by the unions.

Likewise, the organizing organizations will extend the mobilizations throughout Spain to reactivate the agreement for professional careers, pending development since 2007, as well as the negotiation of a new collective agreement. The current one has been reported for a year and a half.

“We are in conflict to demand salary justice in the AEAT,” CSIF said in a statement. According to the union, in the last six years the management of the AEAT has frozen collective bargaining.

At the same time, the union denounced that this Administration discretionally increases the salaries of those who earn the most. In 2023, the AEAT had 1,265 workers in groups A1 (higher bodies), which earn the highest specific rates in the entire AGE, according to CSIF.

“That is, while senior officials receive supplements exceeding 60,000 euros, the bulk of the workforce has their salaries, their professional careers and their collective agreement blocked,” they argued.

The representatives of the Tax Agency staff have also demanded the development of teleworking and the negotiation of the telephone service, announced by the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero.

Likewise, the unions consider that productivity should be reviewed, the distribution of which prioritizes the group of inspectors, discriminating against the rest of the workforce.

They have also demanded improvements in working conditions for the Customs Surveillance group, classifying this destination as a risky profession and reinforcing material and human resources by developing a true Tax Police, a need that has become evident after the tragic events in Cádiz.

The UGT union has warned through a statement that if the Tax Agency does not address their demands, they will be forced to extend the mobilizations and have not ruled out a strike in the middle of the Income Campaign.

For their part, CCOO has warned that the small work centers of the so-called ’emptied Spain’ are even more affected by these organizational problems aggravated by the reduction in staff.