Belarra: “It has already been shown that in this country there are journalists who command more than a minister”

Podemos intends to take a bill to Congress to make it mandatory for current affairs show presenters and media executives to make their “economic interests” public, just as public officials do.

As sources from the purple formation have explained, they are preparing this initiative that would have an impact on presenters and directors of programs with some political content in the major media, those of the news, and the members of the board of directors and the owners of a significant number of shares therein.

All of them would have the “legal obligation” to publish their shares in any type of company, listed or not, specifying the economic activity they carry out and including “very especially” companies that work in strategic sectors, such as energy or food, as well as companies that operate in areas that affect fundamental rights, such as health, education, care or housing. And, in addition, companies that invoice “an important part” of their income to the public administration.

In turn, they would be obliged to indicate any invoicing that they carry out, directly or indirectly, with other companies or with the public administration.

For the purples, with this information the citizenry “will be able to know with transparency the economic interests of those who direct and decide the editorial line of the media.”

They argue that “just like politicians, they can face conflicts of interest that endanger the constitutional access to truthful information for citizens.”

The aforementioned sources allude to the “paradigmatic” case of the presenter Ana Rosa Quintana, who has been criticized by various leaders of this formation in this campaign, and her position contrary to the Housing Law and it has recently been published that she owns 44 apartments tourism, activity affected by this regulation. “It is an obvious case of conflict of interest,” they say.

Finally, they have stressed that regulation is necessary given that there are people with “great media power” who “have the ability to guide public opinion, sometimes not to provide truthful information but to condition legislative and executive decision-making”.


The Secretary General of Podemos and Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, has asserted in statements to the media from Toledo that “it has already been shown that in this country there are journalists, people who present these television programs who command more than a deputy, a deputy or a minister or a minister”. Precisely – she has added – “people have the right to know what their economic interests are”.

“In recent days we have seen how Ana Rosa Quintana, who presents one of the morning programs with the highest audience, has very important real estate speculation interests. She has 44 tourist apartments that she exploits and this is a real estate speculator disguised as a journalist who from a prime time program is telling the Spanish men and women a lie and that is that the housing law encourages occupation”, stated Belarra.

According to the also Minister of Social Rights, “today we know that he is telling these lies because he has real estate speculative interests that are going to be cut with the housing law because we really needed a housing law that tips the balance in favor of tenants and in favor of people who have a mortgage.

Belarra considers that “this measure of transparency and this democratic measure is fundamental so that the people of our country see their right to truthful information guaranteed, which is included, I would like to remind you, in the Spanish Constitution.”