Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has assured that Israel will have responsibility for security in the Gaza Strip for an “indefinite” period once they have eliminated the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).

“I believe that Israel will have, for an indefinite period, overall responsibility for security, because we have seen what happens when we don’t have it. When we don’t have that security responsibility, what we have is the eruption of Hamas terror on a massive scale. that we couldn’t imagine,” Netanyahu declared during an interview with the American network ABC News.

These statements by the Israeli Prime Minister have occurred despite the fact that the US Government has assured on numerous occasions that they will not support an occupation of the Gaza Strip.

Regarding the establishment of humanitarian pauses in the enclave, a possibility that he has discussed with the president of the United States, Joe Biden, the Israeli president has asserted that they will not occur until Hamas prepares to release all the hostages, who the Israeli authorities have identified. around 240.

“There will be no general ceasefire in Gaza without the release of our hostages (…) I think it would hinder the war effort. It will hinder our effort to get our hostages out because the only thing that works with these Hamas criminals is the military pressure that we are exercising,” Netanyahu said.

Furthermore, he has assured that “there will only be a ceasefire” in order to achieve the release and evacuation of all the hostages captured by the Palestinian militia.

The authorities of the Strip have put the number of Palestinians dead at more than 10,000, including 4,800 children, due to the attacks by the Israeli Army; In the West Bank there are already more than 150 deaths.

Israel’s attacks are a response to the incursion of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) on October 7 against the south of the country, which left more than 1,400 Israelis dead and 240 captured as hostages by the Palestinian militia.